Sunday, April 08, 2007

Indices Performances

Below is a selection of world indices and their performances for the last few years. Performance for 2007 (not annualized) is for the closing price as of 2007-04-03/4 (depending on the timezone).

1. BOVESPABRL % 4.08 32.93 27.71 17.81 97.33
2. SMICHF % 3.05 15.85 33.21 3.74 18.51
3. SPICHF % 4.60 20.67 35.61 6.89 22.06
4. Shanghai CompositCNY % 23.03 130.43 -8.33 -15.40 10.27
5. Shenzhen CompositCNY % 57.04 97.53 -11.74 -16.59 -2.60
6. DAXEUR % 6.80 21.98 27.07 7.34 37.08
7. DJ EURO STOXX 50EUR % 3.07 15.12 21.28 6.90 15.68
8. FTSE 100GBP % 2.34 10.71 16.71 7.54 13.62
9. Hang SengHKD % 1.23 34.20 4.54 13.15 34.92
10. Mumbai SensexINR % -7.25 46.70 42.33 13.08 72.89
11. Nikkei 225JPY % 1.85 6.92 40.24 7.61 24.45
12. KOSPI 100 IndexKRW % 3.56 4.52 52.51 9.25 31.57
13. Bangkok SE Set IndTHB % 2.02 -4.75 6.83 -13.48 116.60
14. DJ Industr AverageUSD % 0.38 16.29 -0.61 3.15 25.32
15. EMUSD % 2.68 29.18 30.31 22.45 51.59
16. NASDAQ Comb CompUSD % 1.45 9.52 1.37 8.59 50.01
17. S&P 500USD % 1.37 13.62 3.00 8.99 26.38
18. The World IndexUSD % 3.29 17.95 7.56 12.84 30.81

A table with the absolute index numbers is located here.